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Collins FDC Catalog


I5603 / Scott 5138

Jack O’ Lanterns

Five Toothed Jack O’ Lantern

Cover Announcement 

This individually hand painted cachet really captures the essence of Halloween. Three large pumpkins have been carved into Jack-O'-Lanterns, and a raven perches on one creating that spooky feeling. The new stamp is tied to the envelope with the first day of issue bullseye postmark.

The carving of vegetables has been a common practice in many parts of the world. It is believed that the custom of making Jack-O'-Lanterns at Halloween began in Ireland. In the 1700s grotesque faces were carved in vegetables in parts of Ireland and the Scottish Hi-shlands. The faces represented spirits or supernatural beings. Sometimes they were placed on window sills to keep harmful and evil spirits out of the home.

This is the third cover in the set to be offered, and the fourth and final one will be announced soon My Jack-O'-Lanterns with raven cover is now ready. Collins #I5603 at $15.00.

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