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Collins FDC Catalog


H6003 / Scott 5548 & 5552


Forebay Barn – Spring

Cover Announcement 

It is spring on the farm with daffodils blooming in the foreground and a wheelbarrow full of flowers sitting across the pond. It is plowing season, and the farm tractor sits ready.

ln the background, a large forebay barn sits impressively. Also known as a Pennsylvania barn, they were also built west of the Keystone State and up into Canada. The most distinguishing feature of this barn style is that one or more of the walls extends out from the foundation. In the cachet, the wall overshoots the stone foundation and is supported by five pillars.

Other details include a large dairy cow weathervane silhouette at the bottom right and one on the peak of the barn. A shed sits to the rear. Two stamps have the Barnesville first day of issue bullseye postmark. The Forebay barn in spring is now ready. Collins #H6003 at $16.50.

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