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Collins FDC Catalog


P6001 / Scott 5593

Go For Broke

Japanese-American Soldier of WWII

Cover Announcement 

During the early years of World War II, Japanese Americans were relocated from their homes on the West Coast because the government was afraid of potential sabotage. As the war continued, many of the young Japanese who had been born with U.S. citizenship volunteered to serve in the U.S. military. An estimated 33,000 served with 20,000 of those seeing action in the Army. Roughly 800 were killed with many more being wounded.

As the war raged in Europe, the 442"d Infantry Regiment, made up of these troops, became the most decorated unit in U.S. military history. Two other combat units in which they served were the 100th lnfantry Battalion and the 522nd Field Artillery Division. "Go For Broke" became the combat slogan for those units derived from an old Hawaiian saying meaning "Gamble Everything" or "Shoot the works." In l95l a movie about these soldiers entitled Go for Broke staring Van Johnson was made to tell their story. Also, in Hawai,i written by John Michner, considerable time is spent by the author writing about the battlefield exploits of the sons of a Honolulu family.

My hand painted cachet shows five infantry troops standing by a jeep as they pause between battles. The "Go for Broke" stamp has the first day of issue bullseye postmark from Los Angeles. My cover that honors these highly decorated and courageous heroes of World War II is now ready. Go for Broke. Collins #P6001 at $16.50.

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