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Collins FDC Catalog


Z6003 / Scott 5649

Otters in Snow

Below the Surface

Cover Announcement 

Known for their playful antics, this otter does a belly whopper slide down a forest slope. Most likely a fast-moving stream or a placid woodlands pond awaits at the finish of the descent. A family of white-tail deer - fawn, doe, and buck - watches with interest from a short distance away.

Note the flying snow from the otter's motian asserting that winter is still here, but also giance at the small green plant at the lower left, heralding a new spring season about to blossom forth.

The sliding stamp is tied to the envelope by a first day of issue bullseye postmark from the remote village of Otter, Montana. This conclude my set of four for the "Otters in Snow" issue. Collins #Z6003 at $16.50.

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