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Collins FDC Catalog


V6104 / Scott 5760

Historic Railroad Stations

Santa Fe Station

Cover Announment 

The Santa Fe Station is the fifth and final cover in this wonderful mini-set. In this individually hand painted cachet, a locomotive pulls up to the Santa Fe Station in San Bernardino, Califomia. It's a Mission Revival Style passenger rail terminal in San Bernardino, Califomia that has been the primary station for the city, serving Amtrak today and the Santa Fe and Union Pacific Railroads in the past. The depot as pictured on the stamp is a historical landmark listed on the National Register of Historic places as the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Passenger and Freight Depot.

This famous railroad first built a two-story wooden building on the site in 1886 to replace a converted boxcar that had been used as a temporay station. Prior to Amtrak, the station served Santa Fe Rallway and Union Pacific Railroad cars. The new stamp pictured on the stamp and in my hand painted cachet cost $80,000 to build (equal to over fifteen million today) and was opened in 1918. At that iime. lt was the largest raiiroad station west of the Mississippi River.

My Historic Santa Fe Railroad Station (Coliins #V6104) completes the set and is now available at $18.50.

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