Collins FDC Catalog
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W6101 / Scott 5798
Chief Standing Bear
Cover Announcements
This Native American spent his life in a legal battle to achieve justice and equality for the various tribes. In 1877, the Ponca people were moved from their ancestral homeland in Nebraska to a reservation in Oklahoma. The hardships of this trek resulted in many tribe members dying, including Standing Bear's son. His dying son's final request was to be buried in his Nebraska homeland. Leading 30 warriors of his group, a blizzard made the trip difficult. Reaching the Omaha Territory, they were arrested by General Crook.
Assisted by newsman Thomas Tibbles and a group of prominent Omaha attorneys, the chief became the first Native American to be recognized as a person in a federal court. A 2012 documentary "Standing Bear's Footsteps" tells of the fight for justice using words and the court instead of weapons.
My individually hand painted cachet shows the famous chief on the trail, and a bear standing tall is nearby. A large and prominent bear claw necklace provides a visual connection between the man and the animal which is his namesake. It is a beautiful piece philatelic art. This famous Native American was born in 1829 and died in 1908. Don't miss this cover dedicated to Chief Standing Bear - Collins # W6101 at $18.50.