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Collins FDC Catalog

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X6101 / Scott 5799A & 5799M

Endangered Species

Laysan Teal & Kingfisher

Cover Announcement 

This wonderful set of 20 Endangered Species forever stamps is presented on twelve attractive Collins First Day Covers. The stamps commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the signing of the Endangered Species Act, the landmark piece of legislation that established protections for threatened animal and plant life. They showcase illustrations of 20 different endangered animals found within the 50 states and American territories, as well as two North American species living near U.S. borders. My hand painted cachets are coordinated with the individual stamps in the set.

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was signed into law by President Richard Nixon on December 27, 1973, following a unanimous Senate vote. and in the 50 years since, other nations worldwide have emulated the American initiative. The ESA provides a framework for conserving and protecting endangered and threatened species and their habitats both domestically and abroad. Scientists estimate that hundreds of species have been rescued from extinction in the U.S. since the ESA began.

The stamps are very unique. They have a matte black background and each animal is enhanced by a shiny finish. This presentation is very effective: however, the stamps appear darker on my copies here than they actually are. The stamps highlight just some of the many species that have benefited from the ESA and are representative of the diversitve of the wildlife. Included are large and small mammals, birds and other fowl, reptiles, and amphibians.

There are a total of 12 covers that capture the natural colors of the endangered creatures. Four covers have single stamps and the remaining covers have two stamps on each. The hand painting on each cachet brings the unique beauty of these endangered animals to life.

Three masked ferrets appear out of their Great Plains burrow with a unique look that typifies their curiosity. And on another cachet, a pair of Mexican Gray Wolves majestically pose in front of a mountain range that fades into the background.

A pair of Mississippi Sandhill Cranes cautiously enjoy the refreshing respite of a southem wetlands scene. As the majestic birds wade in the shallow water, a Nashville Crayfish watches their progress from the water's edge. Another cachet with two endangered species shows a pair of Attwater's Prairie Chickens doing their unique courting dance while a pair of Masked Bobwhite Quail hover in the grass.

The other eight covers in this set feafure the following animals: Florida Panther, Desert Bighorn Sheep, Vancouver Island Marmot, Piping Piover, Key Largo Cotton Mouse, Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit, Guam Micronesian Kingfisher, Laysan Teal, Wyoming Toad, San Francisco Garter Snake, Roanoke Logperch, Candy Darter, Golden-Cheeked Warbler, and Thick-Billed Parrot.

I enjoyed producing this truly wonderful set of 12 fust day covers for the Endangered Species set of 20 stamps and hope that you like them as much as I do.

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