Collins FDC Catalog
Y6103 / Scott 5800D & 5800I
Grotto Falls, Tennessee and Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River, Wyoming
Cover Announcement
Lower Falls is the largest waterfall in Yellowstone, and it is the favorite one in the park. The 308-foot waterfall is the second most photographed feature in the park with only the Old Faithful geyser ahead of it. There are numerous views of the Lower Falls from both the east and the west. The trail to the top of the falls is relatively short at 3/4 of a mile, but it is very steep and has many switchbacks. It is a "must" hike as standing at the top of the falls is one of the
most dramatic and beautiful experiences in the entire park. Another aspect of Lower Falls which is so beautiful and
intriguing is the powerful rumble it produces even from distances too far away from it to be seen. In l880 the park's
superintendent established a spot he named "Lookout Point" that included the falls. In 1870 an obsener wrote, "A grander scene than the lower cataract of the Yellowstone was never witnessed by mortal eyes."
The cool moist environment surrounding Grotto Falls makes it an ideal destinarion not only for summer hikes but for
salamander observation as well. The waterfall is located just off the Trillium Gap Trail in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail is the access point for the Triliium Gap Trail. It runs through an old growth hemlock forest behind Grotto Falls. The main draw of Grono Falls is the unique opportunity to be able to walk behind it even though the roar of the waterfall makes carrying on a conversation difficult.
Both of these roaring falls are set in ovals on my hand-painted first day cover, and each also displays the appropriate state flower and tree. Y6103 is now available with Grorto Falls, Tennessee and Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River. $1 8.50