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Collins FDC Catalog

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Y6106 / Scott 5800F & 5800H


Stewart Falls, Utah and Dark Hollow Falls, Virginia  

Cover Announcement 

This lovely mini-set concludes with two interesting and unusual waterfalls. Stewart Falls is one of the most scenic and photogenic waterfalls in northern Utah. It falls in two tiers and is over 200 feet tall. It is a hike of approximately three and a half miles through a beautiful forest on the east side of Mt. Timpanogos. The trail is well marked and easy to follow. The descent from the ridge down to the base of the falls is quite steep, but it is still a great family hike. It is open year-round, but early spring to mid-fall are the best times to make the trek. Autumn is particularly spectacular because the colored leaves are magnificent. The trail meanders southwest to the ridge above the falls, providing fantastic viewpoints all along the way, From the ridge you can clearly see the falls. In the summer it's refreshing to follow the steep trail down the ridge to the base of the falls where hikers can cool off in the waterfall spray.

Dark Hollow Falls is located in beautiful Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. The trail to reach it is fairly steep, but the mile and a half loop is a very popular hike. The broad path is well maintained as it leads the visitor over the edge of the main ridge along the stream course. At the height of the spring runoff, these falls are an impressive site as water cascades seventy feet down the side of the mountain. One of the most exciting parts of any walk in Shenandoah National Park is the possibility of rhe seeing large mammal rarely encountered elsewhere (with black bear being a specialty of the long Skyline Dnre) as well as smaller rrammals and many types of birds. The upper falls are more impressive in size and sca1e, bu: the lower falls are n:rore picturesque which is of interest to amateur or professional photographers. During autumn. the lower fails are a gocd sport to photograph colorful leaves on rocks surrounded by rushing water. The other benefit Dark Hollow offers for photographers is hinted at by its name. The water stays in the shadows most of the day. so il's usua1ly easy to get even light and longer exposures.

The cover for Stewart Falls and Dark Hollow Fails - Collins #Y6106 - is now available at $18.50.

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