Collins FDC Catalog
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Yogi Berra - 3
Q6003 / Scott 5608
Yogi Berra
New York Yankee Baseball All Star Player
Subscriber only
Cover Announcement
Yogi's reputation evolved from that of a great baseball player to that of an entertaining folk hero. He became famous for his home-spun wit and short Yogi-isms. One of his most famous was "lt's deja-vu all over again." Inscribed on this hand painted cachet are several of his little sayings that became so popular.
This cover was produced for my subscribers with no extras being available. As such, it will be a scarce Collins and very desirable to own. The fact that it is a baseball cover adds to its collectability.
The center of the cachet features a smiling Berra with his large catcher's mitt. I believe that Yogi, when once talking about his equipment (glove, mask, chest protector, and knee/leg/shin guards), referred to them as the "tools of ignorance." That was pure Yogi.
The subscriber-only edition is now ready. Yogi Berra with sayings. Collins Q6003 at $15.00.