Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom

Langley AFB
A2802 / Scott 3167
Department of the Air Force
50th Anniversary - Four F16 Falcons - Langley AFB - Collector Cancelled
Text From
Collins Hand Painted First Day Covers
The First 20 Years - 1978 - 1997
My Friend Chris Lazaroff is on the AFDCS Board of Directors and also is responsible for Society cachet production. He had been asking me to donate a cachet for some time, and, finally the Air Force issue provided me with the opportunity to accept his invitation.
I felt that my collectors should have a Collins cachet that was AFDCS sactioned with their logo a required part of the design. Also, my family history is entwined with the Air Force making it the "right" issue. The national release was also a factor since collectors nationwide could pursue local postmarks. They had the opportunity to purchase the blank covers from the society or me prior to the issue date. Finally I knew that I would offer a hand painted cachet with a U.S. Air Force Academy, CO First Day cancel, This would be the one that my collectors would need to fill the A2802 slot in their collections.
The cachets were printed in red, blue, and black. I think the story of this cover, done for the benefit of the American First Day Cover Society, is an interesting aspect of the Collins story and my involment with the Air Force issue.