Collins FDC Catalog
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U4901 / Scot 4584
Celebration of African-American Culture
Sable Antelope
Collins Cover Announcement
Wildlife of the Homeland
Sable Antelope
This is an issue that I really look forward to each year as it gives me the opportunity to present the varied species of wildlife that roam that continent connected to this holiday. Kwanzaa celebrates family values, cultural traditions, and enduring roots to Africa. Since the animals appearing in this series are ones not often appearing on United States stamps, it has become very popular with many collectors. If you need any of the back covers, do consider acquiring them now as most are getting low in supply.
The magnificent sable antelope is the subject- of this year's cachet. At the right, a large buck keeps a wary eye out for the ever-present big-cat predators. Nearby, a female frolics as it gallops across the grasslands of the African veld. As if often the case in this set, the sky adds a beautiful final touch, and the bright, multi-colored stamp is just right for this philatelic connection to the homeland.
I'm pleased to offer this year's Kwanzaa wildlife hand painted First Day Cover — the regal sable antelope. Collins #U4901 at $14.00.