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A5101 / Scott 4702

Edgar Rice Burroughs 

Author - Creator of characters Tarzan and John Carter

Collins Coverf Announcement 

Edgar Rice Burroughs


Burroughs was born on September 1, 1875 in Chicago. He spent some time as a teenager on his brother's ranch in Idaho and got a taste of and appreciation for the great outdoors. He attended school in Andover, Massachusetts and graduated from the Michigan Military Academy in 1895. Failing the entrance exam for West point, he became an enlisted trooper in the 7th U.S. Cavalry in Arizona but due to a mild heart problem was discharged in 1897.

Edgar married his childhood sweetheart in 1900 and for the next decade held a series of low-paying jobs and became the father of two children. It was in 1911 when he was working as a pencil sharpener wholesaler that he began to write fiction. In October of 1912 his novel "Tarzan of the Apes" was published and, as they say, the rest is history.

Tarzan was an immediate sensation and the public couldn't get enough of this jungle hero. From a comic strip to movies to merchandise, Tarzan translated into enduring faine, and to this day he remains one of the most successful fictional characters ever created. My individually hand painted cachet features the stalwart Tarzan on an African plain. He befriended and protected many jangle animals and in this case he is traveling with a large lion — king of the beasts.

The new stamp has the First Day postmark from Tarzana, California which is a community that grew around Burroughs's ranch of the same name. This one is bound to become a hobby classic. "Tarzan of the Apes" — Collins #Z5001 — $14.00.

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