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Collins FDC Catalog

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A5102 / Scott 4702

Edgar Rice Burroughs

Author - Creator of Characters Tarzan and John Carter

Collins Cover Announcement


In 1912 "Tarzan of the Apes" was published and became an instant hit with the American public. It was Edgar Rice Bun-oughs's first Tarzan story. In it, Tarzan is the very young son of a British Lord and Lady who ends up marooned and lost in Africa. He is found and raised by apes and becomes very adept at first surviving and then thriving in the jungle. In adulthood he has many adventures in his African habitat, and over a century later the fictional hero is still very popular in American culture.

On rare occasions I produce a cachet variety for certain stamps, and this is such a cover. The A5101 shows Tarzan on the African plain with a lion, and this individually hand painted cachet depicts him swinging on a vine as he travels in his jungle domain. A large gorilla journeys with his friend while a dangerous snake is coiled above them. These two Tarzan covers will become gems in the hobby, so make sure you have both before they are sold out. Burroughs's ageless jungle hero — Tarzan of the Apes — is now ready. Collins #A5102 at $14.00.

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