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Collins FDC Catalog

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B5005 / Scott 4612

Birds of Prey

Northern Harrier

Collins Cover Announcement 

Birds of Prey

High-Value eighty-five cent Stamps

Northern Harrier

A feathered missile glides across the sky with keen eyes scanning the marshes and. fields below. This long-tailed, streamlined raptor flies buoyantly with wings held in a slight "v" as it hunts above the earth. This soaring rendition is a perfect way to finish the set as the golden eagle and peregrine falcon were perched, and the northern groshawk and osprey were swooping toward their prey.

By doing this set in vertical format (I believe the only cachetro.aker to do so), it gave me the space needed to present the five birds of prey in dramatic fashion. The northern harrier stretches wing-tip to wing-tip from the top of the envelope to the bottom. Surely it, and the others in the set, will be sought by wildlife and bird topicalists as well as future Collins collectors. The individually watercolored cachets combined with the vertical renditions will, in my opinion, make this the finest set produced for the Birds of Prey issue.

I'm very pleased to offer the fifth and final cover in the series. Northern Harrier Collins #B5005 at $14.50.

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