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Collins FDC Catalog

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D5101 / Scott 4704

Purple Heart & Ribbon

Awarded to Wounded or Killed Military Personnel in Combat

Collins Cover Announcement 

Purple Heart

As has been my practice for some time now with our various Purple Heart stamps, I honor the troops by portraying different theaters of operations to which they have been deployed. For the first time, I am offering a cover for the brave men and women who have served, and continue to serve, in


My individually watercolored cachet shows an American military man talking to two village elders. In the distance, towering mountains, which are so typical to the area, rise above the valley floor. The hand painting of each cachet makes the scene very realistic.

Tours of duty in Afghanistan are dangerous undertakings for the troops that serve to protect our nation, and this cover is a tribute to their sacrifices and dedication. Purple Heart — Collins #D5101 at $14.00.

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