Collins FDC Catalog
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F5001 / Scott 4618
Bonsai Trees
Sierra Junipe
Collins Cover Announcement
Bonsai Trees
Sierra Juniper with Scarlet Macaw
This lovely- series continues with the graceful-Sierraltmiper and the niagnificent scarlet macaw. The plumage of this colorful bird is mostly bright red, but the wings are a beautiful blue with the upper wings having brilliant yellow feathers. You can imagine the visual impact as this multi-hued scarlet macaw sits on his perch with the serene, peaceful landscape serving as a backdrop. The striking contrast works to perfection.
In the foreground, a potted Sierra juniper bonsai tree with cascading branches sets the tone for the beautiful grounds beyond. The Sierra juniper bonsai with vivid scarlet macaw is now available. Collins #F5001 at $14.00.