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Collins FDC Catalog

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F5002 / Scott 4621

Bonsai Trees

Trident Maple

Collikns Cover Announcement 


Trident Maple with Fairy Bluebird

The coloring of fairy bluebirds is magnificent with a deep, rich blue field of feathers extending from the back of the head all the way to the upper tail. And as this extensive area of beautiful blue is bordered on both sides with midnight black, the color seems even more intense. As for size, this marvelous bluebird is about the same size and shape as orioles. The bill is large, powerful and crooked as it is used for crashing food before swallowing.

The brilliant bird is perched near a golden foliaged trident maple tree. The contrasting colors of blue and gold look great and are the same combination from my high school days as a Butler Bulldog. The setting for this individually hand painted cachet is a formal oriental garden. The fairy bluebird and the bonsai trident maple with leaves of gold First Day Cover is now ready. Collins #F5002 at $14.00

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