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K5001 / Scott 4628
Danny Thomas
Actor, Singer, Nightclub Comedian, Producer, and Philanthropist
Collins Cover Announcement
Danny Thomas
Thomas was a comedian and television star whose career continued for five decades. He was best known for his TV situation comedy The Danny Thomas Show which was also known as Make Room For Daddy. He started out in the 1940s on radio performing in such hit programs as The Bickersons, The Baby Snooks Show, and The Big Show hosted by the famous Tallulah Bankhead. Danny only made a few movie appearances, however he co-starred in the 1952 remake of The Jazz Singer with Peggy Lee and-also played opposite Doris Day in See You in My Dreams.
Danny is most remembered for television's Make Room for Daddy later known as The Danny Thomas Show. It ran from 1953 to 1965, and guest performers Andy Griffith, Joey Bishop, and Bill Bixby went on to star in their own series. My hand painted cachet features Thomas at the piano with his TV daughter. Along with the new stamp, it's a nice tribute to this popular television pioneer.
The most poignant legacy that Thomas has left behind is his founding of St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. At an early age, he made a vow that if he found success, he would establish a shrine to the patron saint of hopeless causes — St. Jude. In 1962 Thomas started the famous hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, and since then thousands of children have been treated for catastrophic diseases. No suffering child is ever turned away.
The First Day Cover for a fine entertainer and great humanitarian — Danny Thomas — is now ready. Collins #K5001 at $14.00.