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Collins FDC Catalog

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M5001 / Titanic

RMS Titanic

White Star Line Passenger Liner

Collins Cover Announcement 

Titanic Centennial

I00th Anniversary Collins Cover

As my long-term collectors know, I do not create event covers very often. To do so would open a tempting can of worms because there are so many worthy subjects to celebrate or commemorate. Since the Postal Service issues quite a few new stamps each year, I usually pass on event cachets even though I would like to do them. Every once in a while, an event is so monumental and has such widespread appeal that I feel compelled to produce a cover. This is such an occasion.

This year marked the 100th Anniversary of the maiden and final voyage of the ocean liner Titanic. A magnificent pictorial postmark was available, and right away it makes this Collins cover something special. The Statue of Liberty waited in vain in New York Harbor for the big ship to arrive, and it is a Liberty stamp used on the cover. On April 10, 1912, the passengers boarded the Titanic and at noon the liner left the dock and began its maiden voyage. The fantastic postmark on this cover is dated April 10, 2012 — exactly one hundred years later.

The individually hand painted cachet was designed with the historical significance of the event in mind. To the lower right under the pictorial cancellation is a memorial circular cachet which proclaims that this cover is in memory of the R.M.S. Titanic. To the upper left of the superb postmark is a vignette of the ship's company — the White Star Line. The main component of the cachet is the hand painted rendition of the Titanic as it steams through a field of icebergs to meet its catastrophic destiny. Shortly before midnight on April 14th the huge ship

struck an iceberg. Below the waterline, holes were made along a 250 foot distance in the hull. Lifeboats began departing at 12:45 a.m., and at 2:20 the ship sank below the ocean's surface.

I do feel that this cover will sell out quite quickly. It's unlike any I've done before, and it is destined to be a much sought-after item in the years ahead. As always, I must reserve the right to limit multiple orders. The 100th Anniversary of the voyage of the Titanic with individually watercolored cachet. Collins #M5001 at $14.50.

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