Collins FDC Catalog
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O5003 / Scott 4664
Civil War Sesquicentennial
General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
Battle of New Orleans
Collins Cover Announcement
Civil War Generals
Stonewall Jackson
This year I am continuing my series of famous Civil War generals with one from the South and one from the North. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson was one of the best known Confederate generals after Robert E. Lee. Military historians consider Jackson one of the most gifted tactical commanders in U.S. history. To the present day, his Valley Campaign and his role at Chancellorsville are studied worldwide as examples of innovative and bold leadership.
Jackson rose to prominence at the first Battle of Bull Run. As the southern lines began to break and crumble, he rushed his brigade to reinforce them on Henry House Hill. Another general shouted, "There is Jackson standing like a stone wall.. rally behind the Virginians!" Jackson's troops stopped the Union assault, and from that day the general was known as "Stonewall." Two years later at the Battle of Chancellorsville, Jackson was mistakenly shot by North Carolina troops who thought the general and his staff were Union Cavalry.
The general was the great-grandson of John Jackson who arrived from England in 1749. On ship he met and fell in love with Elizabeth whom he married in Annapolis —their port of entry. They migrated across the Blue Ridge Mountains and into Virginia, and there John and his sons would fight for America in the Revolutionary War. During the ongoing century, the Jackson family flourished and eventually Thomas emerged to become one of the most famous generals of the Civil War. Stonewall Jackson — Collins #05003 — is now ready at $14.00.