Collins FDC Catalog
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Q5001 / Scott 4667
Louisiana Statehood Bicentennial
Sunset Over Flat Lake
Collins Cover Announcement
Louisiana Statehood
Wildlife art was at or near the top of my list for possible cachet subjects for the new Louisiana stamp. My love of nature and all things wild won out, so I'm happy to offer this individually hand watercolored cachet as it captures a sunrise on the edge of a bayou.
A big bull gator bellows a roar as he proclaims dominance over his territory. His prominent position is a small point of marshy land amid a few cypress trees. In the foreground, angular cypress stumps rise from the shallow water in irregular conical shapes along with spouting aquatic plants. Standing in the still water is a statuesque, great white egret which is keeping a wary eye on the menacing alligator.
The hand painting allows this dramatic scene to be captured with the warm glow of the morning sun spreading its golden reflection over the open waters to the distant horizon. I'm pleased to offer this life in the bayou cachet to celebrate Louisiana's Statehood Bicentennial. Collins #Q5001 — $14.00.