Collins FDC Catalog
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R5001 / Scott 4668
Great Film Directors
John Ford
Scene From The Searchers, John Wayne & Natalie Wood
Collins Cover Announcement
Great Film Directors
John Wayne
John Ford's
"The Searchers"
My intention for this set of four stamps that honor some of the best directors from the Golden Age of Movies was to put some of Hollywood's greatest stars in my hand painted cachets. In previously offered Covers, Humphrey Bogart and Marilyn Monroe made their appearance; and now it is the turn of that great American favorite — John Wayne.
The "Duke" was famous for his portrayal of military men and hardened characters from the Old West. John Ford was a director whose tales of the frontier and American West called for larger-than-life heroes who reflected fierce individualism and personal bravery. Wayne fit the requirement.
In "The Searchers" the actor portrays a recently retired cavalry officer who pursues the Indians who captured his niece played by Natalie Wood. Both stars are depicted in realistic watercolors in this fine First Day Cover. In a fitting tribute to John Ford who once said of his western films, "I need men to match my mountains," I'm pleased to offer this one. A mountain of a man. John Wayne. Collins #R5001 — $14.00.