Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom

S5002 / Scott 4678
Characters From Disney-Pixar Films
Bob Parr & Dashiell Parr From The Incredibles
Collins Coveer Announcement
The Incredibies
This is the third cachet in my mini-series of five which pays tribute to the creative folks at Disney/ Pixar Studios. The first two offered - "Toy Story Two" and "Finding Nemo"- are now in short supply, so if you missed ordering either or both, please don't delay in getting them.
For this individually hand painted cover, I opted to-depict the entire Incredible Parr family. At the far right is Mom known as Elastigirl and next to her is Violet. At the upper left is Mr. Incredible himself with Dash making an appearance between him and Violet. Finally, at the lower left is the distinctive looking_ Jack-Jack.
For this cachet I made ample use of bright red, and I must honestly tell you that this cover is a real eyecatcher. As with all Disney philatelic items, these uplifting stamps and colorful hand painted Collins cachets will always be sought within the hobby. I cannot resist saying that this cover is truly "incredible." Collins #S5002 at $14.00.