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Collins FDC Catalog

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S5004 / Scott 4680

Characters From Disney-Pixar Films

Jessie, Woody & Bullseye Fron Toy Story 2

Collins Cover Announcement 

Toy Story Two

These individually hand painted cachets are in tribute to the extremely creative people of the DisneyPixar Studios. For over twenty-five years, these characters have brought fun and smiles to countless audiences. When the first group of stamps came out, I wasn't sure how collectors would respond to _ this new generation of Disuey characters, andJ was very _pleased to see that the magic was still there. Happiness abounds in all those who are young at heart.

This mini-set of five begins with "Toy Story Two." All of the favorite characters of the film are present in vivid, dynamic watercolors. Cowboy hero Woody and his gal Jessie take center stage and are flanking Wheezy, the penguin. At the lower left below Stinky Pete are Alien and Lenny the Binoculars. And last but certainly not least is Slinky Dog at lower right.

This cover and the others in the series promise to bring a smile to your face and a bit of fun to your collection. With a tip of the hat and a jangle of the spurs, I'm pleased to offer the downright friendly characters of Toy Story Two. Collins #S5004 at $14.00.

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