Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom
S5005 / Scott 4681
Characters From Disney-Pixar Films
Boo, Mike Wazowski & Jame P. Sulley Sullivan From Minsters Inc.
Collins Cover Announcement
This is the fourth cachet in my series of five covers for the new stamps that depict recent animated movies from the talented folks at Pixar. Already announced were Toy Story Two, Finding Nemo, and The Incredibles. Now ready is the one for Monsters, Inc., and each and every cachet is hand painted in watercolors.
Featured in this light-hearted rendition is Mike Wazowski at the left holding a clipboard, a grinning Sulley- coming in the door, and in front of him the little girl named Boo. Once again I have chosen paint colors that coordinate perfectly with the new stamp, and as a result I think this First Day Cover and the others in the set will be judged the best produced by any cachetmaker. This group of characters has proven to be very popular with the public, and the entertainment magic of Disney continues.
Monsters. Inc — Collins #S5005 — is now ready at $14.00.