Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom

T5001 / Scott 4672
Collins Cover Announcement
This individually hand watercolored cachet of a bobcat and her young kitten is an excellent example of First Day Cover wildlife art. They are resting in a lakeside patch of wild purple irises. For added interest and a novel presentitiori-,-I used two of the new one-cent stamps in addition to the scenic bayou stamp which meets the postal rate requirement. Careful coordination of the colors in the stamps and the paint shades used for the cachet really make this one a beauty.
The habitat of the bobcat ranges from Canada to Mexico. It is about twice the size of a house cat and has a short, stubby tail from which it derives its name. This wildcat feeds mostly on rabbits and rodents but will hunt anything from insects to deer depending on habitat, season, and abundance of prey.
Several recent wildlife offerings such as the Glacier National Park wolverine and the golden eagle sold out quickly, so please order on a timely basis. The rarely sighted bobcat is now ready. Collins #T5001 at $14.25