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Collins FDC Catalog

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V4901 / Scott 4591

New Mexico Statehood Centennial

Sanctuary II by Doug West

Collins Cover Announcement 

New Mexico Statehood

It's been a while since I've been able to represent the Old West on one of my covers, and this issue afforded the perfect opportunity. I decided to depict three legendary individuals that roamed the Southwest in the 1800s. The feared—Apache-Chief Geronimo appear-s--to-the-lower-left. This-brave, but often ruthless Native American warrior fought to preserve his territory and tribal survival.

Above Geronimo to the upper left is the notorious gunslinger Billy the Kid. Lightning fast on the draw, the Kid was a callous drifter whose reputation struck fear into those he encountered. The center area of this individually hand painted cachet is devoted to frontiersman Kit Carson who spent most of his time as an Army scout. He is mounted and wears fringed buckskin and a wide-brimmed hat.

The new stamp has a first day bullseye postmark from Santa Fe, and I'm pleased to offer this look back at our untamed Southwest. New Mexico — Collins #V4901 at $14.00.

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