Collins FDC Catalog
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W4903 / Scott 4594
Aloha Shirts
Fossil Fish
Collins Cover Announcement
Aloha Stamps
The Island of Kaua'i
This watercolored cachet continues the mini-set of five with each cover featuring a different island. English explorer Captain James Cook in his naval uniform is the historical figure I chose for this cover. He made several voyages to the then Sandwich Islands and was ultimately killed there in a skirmish with the natives. Also prominent in this individually hand painted cachet is a variety of tropical fruit which signifies that Kaua'i is known as "the Garden Island." Finally, to give the cachet the real feel of Hawaii, an islander canoe skims across the tropical waters, and an overhanging branch of ohia lehua represents the beautiful flora of our Pacific paradise.
Two of the new stamps have the first day of issue postmark from Honolulu. This will be a magnificent set of five, and it continues with the second in the series. Capain Cook's Hawaii, the island of Kaua'i, is now ready. Collins# W4903 at $14.00