Collins FDC Catalog
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W4904 / Scott 4592
Aloha Shirts
Surfers & Palm Trees
Collins Cover Announcement
Aloha Stamps
The Island of Hawaii
This individually hand painted cover is the first of five for the new Aloha stamps. For the mini-set, I decided to showcase the five major islands in our 50th state. All of the watercolored cachets turned out beautifully, and together they present a lovely artistic display of our tropical paradise.
The "Big Island" of Hawaii starts things off, and collectors are sure to love the colorful cachet. The Kilauea Volcano is at the upper left as it comes to life with a fiery eruption complete with lava flows. In the center, a pod of spinner dolphins leap and frolic above the Pacific waters. To the upper right is a lovely orchid, and at the lower left is a representation of a main island crop — coffee.
On each of my covers I will depict a person with strong historical significance to the islands. On this one, King Kamehameha the Great surveys his domain attired in his colorful royal robes. A pair of the new Aloha stamps has the First Day of Issue bullseye postmark from Honolulu. The first cover of what will be a truly lovely set of five is now ready. The Island of Hawaii — Collins #W4904 at $14.00.