Collins FDC Catalog
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Y5001 / Scott 4694
Major League Baseball All-Stars
Ted Williams
Collins Cover Announcement
Baseball All-Stars
Ted Williams
My four-cachet series honoring Baseball All-Stars continues with the man who many consider "the greatest later who ever lived." Ted Williams played his entire 22-year career as the left fielder of the Boston Red Sox in front of the "Green Monster" at famous Fenway Park. Williams was a 9-time All-Star; two time Most Valuable Player (MVP); led the league in hitting six times; and won the Triple Crown twice.
Ted had a career batting average of .344; had 521 home runs; and was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1966. This astounding athlete was the last player to hit over .400 for an entire season (.406 in 1941). And counting walks, he reached base an amazing forty-eight percent of the time during his entire
My individually hand painted cachet captures the low-key Williams holding a couple of bats while he waits to hit. Perhaps the most profound fact about Ted is that he compiled all of the incredible statistics cited above during the years 1939 to 1942 and from 1946 to 1960. This American hero was exactly that because during his prime years, he left baseball during World War II and became a Marine Corps fighter-bomber pilot. Without that patriotic call to duty, one can only imagine what heights he would have reached on the diamond. My cover for "The Splendid Splinter" is now ready. For Ted Williams. Collins #Z5001 at $14.00.