Collins FDC Catalog
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Y5004 / Scott 4697
Major League Baseball All-Stars
Joe DiMaggio
Collins Cover Announcement
Baseball All-Stars
Joe DiMaggio
This cover is the first of my four-cachet series honoring four baseball All-Stars. Joe DiMaggio played his entire 13-year career as the center fielder of the New York Yankeds. "Joltin' Joe" was an outstanding batter, and his amazing 56 consecutive game hitting streak (May 15, 1941 to July 16, 1941) is a record that still stands today. On February 17, 1943 he enlisted in the Army Air Corps and served until September 1945 after the war. Because of World War II, Joe missed the 1943, 1944, and 1945 baseball seasons during his prime years, so one can only wonder what his -final statistics would have been if this was not so.
DiMaggio made the All-Star team in each of his thirteen seasons. Three times he was chosen as the year's most valuable player. During his career in New York, the team won ten pennants and nine World Series championships. Joe was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1955 and in Baseball's centennial year of 1969 was voted the sport's greatest living player. My individually hand painted cachet for the "Yankee Clipper" is now ready. Joe DiMaggio — Collins #Z5004 —$14.00