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Collins FDC Catalog

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Romeo and Juliet

E3501 / Scott 3551

Pocahontas and John Smith

C3601 / Scott 3657

Antony aad Cleopatra

C3602 / Scott 3658

Robin Hood and Maid Marian

W3601 / Scott U651

Mickey & Minnie -Donald & Daisy

B3801 / Scott 3833

Roy Rogers and Dale Evans

F3801 / Scott 3836

Jack and Jacqueline Kennedy

G3801 / Scott 3837

Superman aud Lois Lane

N3901 / Scott 3898

George Bums and Gracie Allen

M4001 / Scott 3976

Luciile Bali and Desi Arnez

V4001 / Scott 3998

The Honeyraooners -Alice and Raiph

W4001 / Scott 3999

Tarzan and Jane

J4101 / Scott 4029

Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio

N4201 / Scott 4122

Linda and Fred Collins

F4301 / Scott 4151

Ozne and HarrietNelsoa

G4301 / Scott 4152

Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier

X4401 / Scott 4271

King Edward VIII and Wal1y Simpson

Y4401 / Scott 4272

Popeye and Olive Oyle

W4401 / Scott 4270

Princess Diana and Prince Charles

I4601 / Scott 4397

Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning

J4601 / Scott 4398

The King and Queen of Hear8

L4601 / Scott 4404

Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane

O4701 / Scott 4450

Prince William and Kate

Q4801 / Scott 4521

Blondie aad Dagwood

U4801 / Scott 4520

Bonnie and Clyde

J5001 / Scott 4626

Napolean and Josephine

R5101 / Scott 4741

Gweaevere and King Arthur

A5201 / Scott 4765

Gwenevere and Sir Lancelot

Z5101 / Scott 4764

Mae West and W.C. Fields

A5301 / Scott 4847

Claudette Colbert and Henry Fonda

G5401 / Scott 4955

Vivian Lergh aad Clark Gable

G5402 / Scott 4956

Coretta and Martin Luther King

J5501 / Scott 5036

Chess pieces - King and Queen

J5502 / Scott 5036

Richard and Sarah Allen

M5501 / Scott 5056

Amelia Earhart aad Fred Noonan

P5601 / Scott 5155

Rebecca and Daniel Boone

L5701 / Scott 5255

Xavier Cugat aad Abbe Lane

​I5801 / Scott 5339

Tony aad Maria from "West Side Story"

​D6001 / Scott 5543

Rose and Jack from "Titanic" - 1

C6101a / Scott 5660

Rose and Jack from "Titanic" - 2

​C6101b / Scott 5661

Presidents & First Ladies

George & Martha Washington

B4901 / Scott 4531

John & Abigail Adams

B4902 / Scott 4532

Thomas & Martha Jefferson

B4903 / Scott 4533

James & Dolley Madison

B4904 / Scott 4534

James & Elizabeth Monroe

B4904 / Scott 4535

James & Elizabeth Monroe

T2301 / Scott 2875A

Andrew & Rachel Jackson

B4904 / Scott 4536

Abraham & Mary Lincoln

B4907 / Scott 4537

Ulysses S. & Julia Grant

B4908 / Scott 4538

Theodore & Edith Roosevelt

B4909 / Scott 4539

John & Jacqueline Kennedy

B4907 / Scott 4537

Ronald & Nancy Regan

M3901 / Scott 3897

George H. W. & Barbara Bush

U5802 / Scott 5393

Bill & Hillary Clinton

A2701 / Clinton Inagural

Al & Tipper Gore

B2701 / Clinton Inagural

George W. & Laura Bush

K3901 / Bush W

Barack & Michelle Obama

B4601 / Obama

Donald J. & Melania Trump

Q5601 / Trump

Joseph R. & Jill Biden

​E6001 / Scott IN46A

Love Theme

Love - Florial

B501 / Scott 1951

Love - Florial Heart

T701 / Scott 2072

Love - Holding Hands

T901 / Scott 2143

Puppy Love

X1001 / Scott 2202

Love - Family

A1201 / Scott 2248

Love You Mom & Dad

I1204 / Scott 2270 & 2273


H1401 / Scott 2378


M1401 / Scott 2379

Love You

C1501 / Scott 2397 &2398


B1701 / Scott 2440

Love - World Heart

Q1801 / Scott 2535

Fischer's Lovebirds

R1801 / Scott 2537

Love - Heart Envelope

C2001 / Scott 2618

Love - Love Serinade

N2201 / Scott 2813

Love - Heart Dove

R2201 / Scott 2814

Love - Roses & Doves

S2201 / Scott 2815

Love Cherub

W2301 / Scott 2948


F2401 / Scott 2958

Love - Cygnet Swan

E2701 / Scott 3123

Love - Swans

F2701 / Scott 3124

I Love Lucy

U3012 / Scott 3137L

Victorian Hearts - Love Letter

D3001 / Scott 3274

Victorian Hearts - Lace Heart

E3001 / Scott 3275

Victorian Hearts - Cupid

E3002 / Scott 3274 & 3275

Rose & Love Letter - GI Letter

H3301 / Scott 3496

Rose & Love Letter - Grand Parents

T3301 / Scott 3499

Vintage Rose

G5401 / Scott 4955

Vintage Tulip

G5402 / Scott 4956

Love - Kitten

T6101 / Scott 5746

Love - Puppy

T6102 / Scott 5745

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